Thank you those who participated in our online survey!
A public opinion survey was conducted from 18-20 September 2020. More than 70% of the 813 respondents objected to steel railings and preferred a simple concrete bridge. 103 local Shek O residents voted, with 70 objecting to steel railings. Overall, only 21.3% of the respondents supported steel railing designs (option #2 or #3). However, 138 people offered suggestions explaining that they preferred:
- A design which blends in better with the natural environment by using a granite stone finishing or softening the blue colour;
- Widen the bridge and approach paths, and add space for safe gathering, photo taking;
- Enable any water to run off quickly and ensure a non-slippery bridge deck;
- Soft solar lights/ LED lights to ignite during nights;
- Improved signage about the bridge could be considered.
Other comments:
- Enable people to put ‘lover locks’
- Heart shape openings in the structure
- Photo spots / observation areas (bridge is too narrow for photo taking)
- Seating, shade and washroom in the vicinity
- LED lighting to make it photogenic at night
- Dim solar lights along the bridge and path
- Railings to assist elderly to walk to and from the bridge
- Graffiti wall
- Signage with information about the history of ‘Shek O lovers’ bridge
- A coin operated telescope
Other proposed options:
Option One: Concrete bridge (close to the original) Option two: Steel Bridge Option Three: More steel bridge 感謝各位參與網上問卷調查,提供你們寶貴的意見!
2020年9月18日至20日我們進行了一項民意調查。813名受訪者中有70%以上反對鋼欄杆,並傾向使用簡單的混凝土橋。 103位石澳居民投票,其中70位反對鋼欄杆。總體而言,只有21.3%的受訪者支持鋼欄杆設計(選項2或3)。138人提出寶貴的意見,希望混凝土設計的橋更有地道特色:
2. 擴闊橋樑和出入口路徑,提供空間讓人聚集,和拍照相片;
3. 設計應確保雨水能迅速流走,橋面亦要防滑;
4. 選擇柔和的太陽能燈/ LED燈在夜間點亮;
5. 考慮改善有關情人橋歷史由來的路牌和路標。其他建議: