Hong Kong Island Coastal Trail – Progress Update (August 2021) 港島環島徑—最新消息 (2021年8月)

Hong Kong Island Coastal Trail – Progress Update (August 2021)

Designing Hong Kong is working hard to improve the Hong Kong Island Coastal Trail. Below is a progress update.

Major improvement works

  1. Sandy Bay to Telegraph Bay under study. (Invigorate Island South Office)
  2. Waterfall Bay Bridge link between Cyberport Port Road and Waterfall Bay Park is pending agreement on maintenance. (Leisure and Cultural Services Department)
  3. Cape D’Aguilar – Shek O Trail is approved in principle and awaiting funding under the District Minor Work programme. (Home Affairs Department)
  4. Museum of Coastal Defence access route has been denied (Leisure and Cultural Services Department). For now people will have to rely on trails along the Island Eastern Corridor.
  5. Boardwalk under Island East Corridor has been gazetted and is expected to be opened in 2024. (Civil Engineering Development Department)

Minor improvement works

  1. Shun Tak Centre illegal parking has been resolved. Further pedestrian improvement is pending the land owner. (Shun Tak Holdings)
  2. Western Water Selling Kiosk footpath widening has been confirmed and is pending works. (Leisure and Cultural Services Department and Water Supplies Department)
  3. Connecting Kennedy Town Praya to China Merchant Wharf is approved as a District Minor Works programme and pending funding. (Home Affairs Department)
  4. Waterfall Bay removal of fences to improve beach access is pending reply. (Leisure and Cultural Services Department)
  5. Wong Chuk Hang Road and Island Road widening of the footpath is supported by Ocean Park (they will surrender part of their nursery). Implementation is pending. (Transport Department)
  6. Deep Water Bay re-organising road, footpath, parking and beach amenities is pending outcome of the Study of Coastal Hazards under Climate Change and Extreme Weather and Formulation of Improvement Measures – Feasibility Study. (Civil Engineering Development Department)
  7. Trail South Bay to Chung Hom Wan improvements are approved in principle and awaiting funding under the District Minor Work programme. (Home Affairs Department)
  8. Stanley Gap Road pavement improvements to Stanley East Catchwater pending. (Transport Department)
  9. Cape D’Aguilar Road pavement pending.  (Transport Department)
  10. Shek O to Big Wave Bay pavement pending. (Transport Department)
  11. Marine Police Regional Headquarters relocation to open up shore at Lei King Wan pending. (Police)
  12. Quarry Bay Park pet access route pending consultation of local stakeholders. (Leisure and Cultural Services Department)
  13. Quarry Bay Promenade widening yet to be agreed. (Harbour Office / Development Bureau)
  14. Public Open Space at North Point improvements are underway. (Harbour Office; Sun Hung Kai)
  15. Central Military Dock public access when there is no vessel in town, and improvements to surrounding area pending. (People’s Liberation Army) (Leisure and Cultural Services Department)
  16. Signage proposed but yet to receive a response. (Tourism Commission)


  1. Hung Hing Road footpath in January 2021. You can now walk from the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter.

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-09 at 13.38.41

Site visit with Government Departments and District Councillors at the Western Water Selling Kiosk


Illegal parking at the Shun Tak Centre has been resolved

港島環島徑—最新消息 (2021年8月)



  1. 躍動港島南辦事處正就興建大口環至綱綫灣沿海行人路進行研究。
  2. 橫跨瀑布灣的行人天橋將連接起數碼港道及瀑布灣公園,省卻來往數碼港及華富的時間。在工程開展前,康樂及文化事務署與其他相關部門需要先釐清天橋的管理及維修責任等。
  3. 興建連接鶴咀道至石澳的行山徑已在南區區議會的地區小型工程申請中獲得原則上支持。現正等候民政署的撥款才能開展工程。
  4. 就改善筲箕灣及杏花邨之間的行人連接,康文署已經初步拒絕開放海防博物館供市民通過的建議。我們正與運輸署聯繫,希望在東區走廊旁研究設立一條安全的行人通道作為替補方案。
  5. 土木工程拓展署已就東區走廊下興建行人板道刊憲。工程預計於今年年尾展開,並在2025年落成。


  1. 信德中心地面的違例泊車問題已經解決。我們現正聯絡物業的擁有人信德集團,討論改善地面行人設施的可能性。
  2. 康樂及文化事務署及水務署將分別進行小型工程搬遷西區食水賣水站旁小徑的花槽和鐡欄以擴闊行人路。
  3. 中西區區議會已通過撥款在加多近街臨時花園對出興建臨時海濱,並連接到即將重建的招商局碼頭海濱。
  4. 拆除瀑布灣公園內的鐡閘,我們已去信康樂及文化事務署,並正等候部門的回應。
  5. 黃竹坑道和香島道部份地方的行人路因鄰近的短期租約用地而變得狹窄。我們已向地政署查詢有關短期租約的情況,當中黃竹坑道的部份,海洋公園已答應縮減苗圃的面積供擴闊行人路。
  6. 就改善深水灣行人路,需要有全盤的計劃去重新規劃深水灣的道路、泊車位及康樂設施。我們正等待政府在2019年開展的「氣候變化和極端天氣下的沿岸災害研究及改善措施的制訂」的研究結果才進行進一步的研究。
  7. 連接南灣至舂磡角的山徑已在南區區議會的地區小型工程申請中獲得原則上支持。現正等候民政署的撥款才能開展工程。
  8. 赤柱峽道的行人路非常狹窄,但每天仍有行山人士沿這條路來往赤柱及行山徑的入口。我們已經聯絡運輸署希望盡快進行工程擴闊路段以確保路人的安全。
  9. 現時鶴咀道並未設有行人路,導致行山客需走到馬路上。我們已聯絡運輸署希望盡快研究為路段舖設行人路。
  10. 每日都有大量居民及遊客來往石澳至大浪灣之間,但兩地之間的馬路並沒有設有行人路。我們亦聯絡了運輸署為此路段興建行人路進行研究。
  11. 位於西灣河海濱的水警總區總部現時以臨時撥地方式批地予警方使用現時總部隔開了西灣河海濱及愛秩序灣海濱,令東區的海濱未能連接。
  12. 現時鰂魚涌公園並未容許寵物進入。康文署表示將會繼續收集更多社區的意見,再檢視是否將公園列入現行的「寵物共享公園」試驗計劃。
  13. 擴闊鰂魚涌海濱長廊仍需要發展局轄下的海港辦事處的批准和與相闦的土地擁有人商討。
  14. 有關改善北角海濱公園,海港辦事處與發展商新鴻基已進行溝通並進行工程。
  15. 中環軍用碼頭原訂會在無軍艦停泊時開放予公眾。這需要駐港解放軍與管理海濱用地的部門例如康樂及文化事務署等商討。
  16. 就設立統一的環島徑指示牌,我們已經主動聯絡旅遊事務署並正等待他們的回覆。


  1. 鴻興路行人路於2021年1月已經開通。加上鄰近的灣仔臨時海濱亦開通,現時市民已經可以沿港島北的海濱由堅尼地城一直走到銅鑼灣避風塘。