Registration: | Leisure 休閒組 | Racing 競賽組 |
The HK Island Coastal Trail Challenge is back, and you’re invited to participate!
The Trail — a journey of (re)discovery
An iconic 65-km-long loop around Hong Kong Island divided into 8 stages, the Coastal Trail is a unique hiking trail. Walking the trail is a wonderful way to (re)discover the city’s abundant history, heritage, greenery and, of course, its scenic shores.
Click here to learn more about the Hong Kong Island Coastal Trail
The Challenge — are you in?
This year, the Coastal Trail Challenge is divided into 2 events: Leisure and Racing.
Leisure: Explore any, several or all 8 stages of the Coastal Trail in your own time and at your own pace while completing a fun scavenger hunt.
Racing: The faster, the better! Pick from the 3 different distances: 65km Coastal Run One Go, 15km Harbourfront Run, or the 25km Hill Run.
Walk or run (parts of) the trail between December 1, 2022, and January 31, 2023, and you’ll get a goodie pack and a certificate of completion! You’ll also have the chance to win amazing prizes, such as tickets to Water World Ocean Park, running analysis by Movaia, art map prints and beach towels by Tiny Island and prize vouchers from Gone Running.
Early bird rewards will be given to the first 100 Racing and first 500 Leisure registrants. Enter NOW!
To add to the fun, you can also participate in our weekly photo challenge. More details will be announced soon.
Registration: 19/10/2022 -30/1/2023
Goodie Pack collection: 27/11/2022 – 30/01/2023
Virtual event period: 01/12/2022 – 31/01/2023
Prize collection: 11/02/2023 – 28/02/2023
Leisure: $150+
Racing – 15km Harbourfront: $250+
Racing -25km Hill: $250+
Racing -65km Coastal One Go Solo: $350+
Racing -65km Coastal One Go Pair: $700+
Racing -65km Coastal One Go Team: $1,200+
Racing -65/25/15km One Go Corporate Team: $5,000
Early Bird Rewards
First 500 Leisure registrants will enjoy a box of FREE Vegan Oatchi + a 10% discount* for the same visit to Green Common. Let’s have the green footprint together!
*Terms and conditions apply

First 100 Racing registrants will receive a multi-functional neck gaiter from T8 and a box of FREE Vegan Oatchi + a 10% discount* for the same visit to Green Common. Let’s have the green footprint together!
*Terms and conditions apply

Leisure Finisher Reward – A unique HK-themed souvenir
Earn a collection of 8 pins specially created for The Challenge, featuring 1 iconic landmark on each of the 8 stages of the HK Island Coastal Trail. Walk 1 stage, collect 1 pin. Walk all 8 stages, collect all 8 and complete your HK Island puzzle.

A limited-edition hiking towel by the acclaimed Tiny Island made especially for the Coastal Trail Challenge participants is on offer with 100pcs ONLY. Order it for $175 only while you register (retail $275). Email confirmation with pick-up details will be sent after the event ends. 50% of the proceeds are donated to Parks & Trails to better our trails and country parks in Hong Kong. Don’t miss out.

Head to our EVENT WEBSITE for more information, or REGISTER NOW(Leisure) /(Racing)!
More about The Coastal Trail Challenge
Connecting well-known routes, small paths and lost tracks, the Coastal Trail is a fascinating journey around Hong Kong Island’s coastline. The 65-km-long trail is divided into 8 stages, from easy to moderate in difficulty and from steep, remote mountain climbs to flat urban harbourside walks. In short, it offers something for everyone to enjoy!
The Hong Kong Coastal Trail Challenge is co-founded and co-organised by Designing Hong Kong, iDiscover and Parks & Trails, powered by TrailWatch. Now in its 3rd edition, The Challenge aims to promote urban walkability, access to nature and heritage, healthy, sustainable living and responsible travel. It also seeks to enable the community to become cultural and environmental ambassadors.
Registration: | Leisure 休閒組 | Racing 競賽組 |
香港島標誌性的環島徑全長 65 公里,可分為 8 個階段。環島徑是一條獨特的遠足路線,沿途可以探索這座城市豐富的歷史和廣闊的郊野,當然還有優美的海岸風光。
競賽:越快越好!參加需要一次過完成其中一條賽道:65 公里海岸跑、15 公里海濱跑或 25 公里山地跑。
從 2022 年 12 月 1 日至 2023 年 1 月 31 日期間,參加者可隨時隨地參與。參加者可獲得禮物包一份及完成證書一張,更有機會贏得豐富的獎品,包括海洋公園水上樂園門票、Movaia跑姿分析、Tiny Island藝術版畫與沙灘巾、喜跑現金券!
首 100 名競賽組以及首500名休閒組成功報名者將獲得早鳥獎勵,立即行動去報名喇!
報名: 19/10/2022 -30/1/2023
領取選手包: 27/11/2022 – 30/01/2023
虛擬賽日期: 01/12/2022 – 31/01/2023
領取獎品: 11/02/2023 – 28/02/2023
休閒組: $150+
競賽組15公里海濱跑: $250+
競賽組25公里山地跑: $250+
競賽組65公里海岸跑單人: $350+
競賽組65公里海岸跑雙人: $700+
競賽組65公里海岸跑四人: $1,200+
競賽組65/25/15公里企業隊: $5,000
休閒組首500位成功報名者,可得到Green Common全力贊助的免費純素雪麥糍一盒及即場全店9折優惠*,一同素造綠色旅程。*受條款及細則約束

競賽組首100 位成功報名者,將得到一件由香港設計師Yvonne Chan 繪製的T8多功能頭巾, 以及Green Common全力贊助的免費純素雪麥糍一盒及即場全店9折優惠*,一同素造綠色旅程。 *受條款及細則約束


由廣受好評的Tiny Island為環島徑挑戰特別設計的限量版登山毛巾現正已優惠價發售予參加者,只限100條! 您可在登記時以$175的優惠價購入(原價 $275) 。活動結束後將用電子郵件確認領取詳情。當中的50%會捐贈給Parks & Trails作維護山徑及郊野公園的用途。千萬不要錯過!

環島徑連接著名路線和鮮為人知的小徑路段,是環繞港島海岸線的迷人旅程。這條 65 公里長的環島徑分為 8 個階段,難度從簡單到中等,從陡峭、偏遠的爬山路段到平坦的城市海濱長廊。簡而言之,任何人都可有不同享受!
香港島環島徑挑戰由 Designing Hong Kong、iDiscover 和 Parks & Trails (TrailWatch) 共同創辦,今年是第三年舉行,挑戰旨在鼓勵所有人透過步行去探索社區、讓參加者接觸大自然和歷史遺產,並推動健康、可持續生活方式,由己及人,提高文化及保育意識。