Designing Hong Kong supports the Hong Kong Island Coastal Trail Challenge. This year, the challenge will take place from 15th November 2023 to 15th January 2024. Registration is open. Use the discount code HKCTC50 before 15 November to enjoy a HK$50 discount. For more information, please visit the event website.
The coastal trail is divided into eight sections, featuring steep hiking trails, flat waterfront promenades, and bustling urban streets. There are two categories – “Leisure” and “Racing”.
In the Leisure category, participants explore one, more or all sections of the Coastal Trail while participating in an engaging quiz game to earn the all-new pin set representing the Coastal Trail.

In the Racing category, participants can choose to complete the 65km Coastal Run, the 15km Harbourfront Run or the 25km Hill Run at any time before 15 January 2024. In each category, prizes are awarded to the three runners who clock the fastest time.
There are additional prizes for the best photographs. Participants are invited to upload their photographs (no limits!) to the Instagram account, and tag @hkcoastaltrailchallenge while adding hashtags #sustainability or #reflections and #hkctc202324.
This year, the Hong Kong Island Coastal Trail Challenge collaborates with T8 and Ginger Store to offer co-branded merchandise, including t-shirts, short-sleeved ice tees and sherpas shorts. You can purchase the merchandise during registration.

For more information, please visit the event website.
港島環島徑分為八段,有陡峭登山路徑,有平坦海濱步道,有喧鬧城市街巷。繼承去年安排,香港島環島徑挑戰2023/24 分為「休閒」及「競賽」組別。

至於競賽組別,挑戰以虛擬形式舉行,設有3 條不同距離的路線組別:15 公里海濱跑、25 公里山地跑、65 公里海岸跑。參加者只需在活動期間,完成報名的路線。各組別均設有冠、亞、季軍及獎品。
今年,香港島環島徑挑戰首次與T8及Ginger Store合作推出聯名商品,包括短䄂T恤及短褲,價錢只需$268起。參加者可以在報名時瀏覽銷售詳情及選購商品。
