攝影展:與轆同行Walking with Wheels
創建香港首次主辦攝影展,Walking with Wheels與轆同行。這個項目關注手推車使用者,並旨在歸納和展示五年以來的研究成果。透過向公衆展示我們的研究成果和攝影師們的影像作品,創建香港希望能讓大衆更關注轆友每日面對的安全隱憂,並了解手推車作為重要的運輸工具,在經濟和社會層面上,能爲我們的城市所帶來的改變。同時借此機會,創建香港期望日後的城市規劃設計、道路設計和行人區建設,能回應轆友們的需要,從而使香港的交通系統更安全。
與轆同行 的挑戰是顯而易見的。當街道清潔工和回收者在日常工作中推著手推車穿過崎嶇、陡峭的街道時,狹窄的行人道上熙熙攘攘的人潮、馬路上高速駛過的車輛和「轆友」們手中裝滿貨物而沉重的手推車,都往往容易令他們陷於危險之中,而另一方面的家庭使用者,比如推著嬰兒車、輪椅或行李箱的人們則需要艱難地在香港複雜的路網中尋找能夠方便穿行的通道,因為很多地方的行人路線都並未充分考慮到「轆友」的需要,導致相關無障礙設施或指引缺失和不足。
Walking with Wheels Exhibition
8 September (Wednesday) – 3 October (Sunday), 17:00 – 00:00
Ping Pong 129 – Gintonería, Basement, 129 Second Street, Sai Ying Pun
The Walking with Wheels photography exhibition highlights the challenges people who walk with wheels face in Hong Kong. It draws public attention to the economic, social and safety aspects of walking with wheels. Walking with Wheels is an initiative by Designing Hong Kong to advocate for recognition of this mode of transport in urban planning, transport policy, road design, and pedestrianization.
Walking with Wheels Panel Discussion/Webinar – Tuesday 7th September 2021
(Click here to view the recorded video)
Alain Chiaradia, Associate Professor of Practice at HKU Faculty of Architecture;
Julian Kwong, Chairman of Community for Road Safety;
Ezreal Sin, Representative of Street Reset
Paul Zimmerman, CEO of Designing Hong Kong
Walking With Wheels – An Essential Mode of Transport
The challenges to walking with wheels are obvious. Street cleaners and recyclers are often in danger when pushing their trolleys across rugged, steep and cramped streets during their daily routines, while families struggle to find convenient routes with baby prams, wheelchairs or suitcases.
The ability to walk safely and conveniently with carts and trolleys allows us to move loading and unloading locations and thereby reduce traffic congestion. The Walking with Wheels initiative seeks to encourage the public and government to ask questions and to find solutions.
Can a better understanding of the role and operation of Walking with Wheels help enhance transport efficiencies and reduce road congestion? What benefits does walking with wheels contribute to society? How can we improve the rights of those walking with wheels to the use of roads, pavements, lifts, footbridges and buildings? Can we improve the walking experience, and promote road safety? How can we minimize conflicts with other users of these routes? How can we improve the safety and working conditions of those who are Walking With Wheels? www.designinghongkong.com