Save Our Country Park alliance includes Ark Eden, Association for Geoconservation, Hong Kong, Clear the Air, Designing Hong Kong, Environmental Life Science Society, SS, HKUSU, Friends of Hoi Ha, Friends of Sai Kung, Friends of Tai Long Wan, Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong), Green Power, Green Sense, Greeners Action, Greenpeace, HKWildlife.net, Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society, Hong Kong Outdoors, Lantau Buffalo Association, Living Islands Movement, Sai Kung Cattle’s Angel, Sai Kung Tai Long Wan Concern Group, Society of Hong Kong Nature Explorers, The Conservancy Association, Trail Watch, WWF-Hong Kong and more. We hope that through this joint action, expressing a message to all the people: to save our country park for every inch. We organize activities to raise public awareness about the importance of maintaining a balance between development and environmental conservation. We support proposals which recognize the existence values of the country parks. We promote Hong Kong as a world leading city in sustainable development. Let’s join together in taking action and protect our home for our future generations!
「保衛郊野公園」行動,是聯盟成員 Ark Eden、香港地貌岩石保育協會、爭氣行動、創建香港、香港大學學生會理學會環境生命科學學會、海下之友、西貢之友、大浪灣之友、香港地球之友、綠色力量、環保觸覺、綠領行動、綠色和平、香港自然生態論壇、香港觀鳥會、香港海豚保育學會、Hong Kong Outdoors、大嶼山愛護水牛協會、島嶼活動行動、西貢護牛天使、西貢大浪灣關注組、長春社、 徑‧香港、世界自然基金會香港分會 等機構組成。 我們希望透過今次聯合行動,向全港市民表達一個訊息:保衛郊野公園,寸土必爭。 我們會透過舉辦一系列活動,再次喚醒市民關注平衡發展和環境保育的重要性。我們支持維護郊野公園價值的建議,推動香港可持續發展,成為自然生態亦得以受保護的世界領先城市。 期望大家身體力行,為我們的家、我們的下一代,共同獻出一分力。
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